So, I guess I'm starting a blog today. Kind of interesting. I'm not exactly sure who's going to read it. Or, really, if I expect people to read it at all. I've never been one to religiously write in a journal, but I sure have started plenty of them. Maybe this will be the journal that I don't quit after half an entry.
I originally had the idea that I wanted to start a blog when I started posting my 5-time weekly workouts as my Facebook status (which I seem to have quit doing... a pattern?). Maybe someone could use these workouts, right? Yeah... like someone is going to start following the blog of an overweight, soon-to-be thirty-year-old woman to get fitness tips from her. (Interesting... not the type of thing that would normally roll off of my tongue. Apparently it can roll off of the tips of my fingers.) Actually... someone just might be able to learn from me. Hell, maybe I could learn a thing or two from myself.
So, what can be expected in the future here... rants about annoying people, raves about great people, whining about how hard my workout was or not wanting to go to the gym, waxing sentimental about Michigan and the family that I miss, and probably more than one or two unleashings of my love/hate relationship with all things food.
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